Saturday, April 16, 2011


Come to think of tattoos, whoever wants a tattoo either wants it temporary or permanent. Whatever choice you make, this drawing will be with you everywhere you go and in everything you do, just like what the biblical Ruth told her mother-in-law Naomi. There’s this wise man that said ‘whatever you attach consistently to the words “I am “, you become.’ The more you brag about being an AIESECer, the more permanent it attaches itself on you. Hey, do you think you are worth the ‘tattoo’?
            The other day I sat and thought about leadership. AIESEC gives young leaders the platform to bring out their best. I also found out that AIESEC is everywhere even in places where people know nothing about it. Be it in churches, clubs, nations all traditions and cultures observed, there always has to be a leader who tries to take an initiative and accountability. In other words, all these people should join us since all of us are in the same ‘bandwagon’. What do you think?
            “If you want to be successful, you must either have a chance or take one. Procrastination is a tool of the devil to hold us back and to make us miss God’s timing in our lives.”-John L. Mason.
Everyone has a chance to be successful but not everyone succeeds. Why should we sit and see our victory in projects and life slip away because of not taking chances? AIESEC Egerton rocks because we are not afraid of taking chances. WE ARE HOT TO GO! AMA VIPI?
- By L R. Atieno

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