Thursday, March 24, 2011


W - We
E  - Egerton Local Chapter of AIESEC Kenya.

S  -  Start Small-our journey begins with a single step.
T     -Think Big-by setting realistic goals.
R    -Reach a little Further Everyday.
I     - Invest our time and resources wisely.
V    -Venture to identify and seize all the available opportunities.
E     -Excellence is always our pride.

T    -Trust in God
O  - Organize our Resources.

N  - We Never Give Up.
U  - Unlock our potential.
R   -Results-our results motivate us to greater  heights.
T   -Team Up-together we stand, divided we fall.
U  -Unlock our Potential-by exploring every advantageous niche available to us.
R  - Research-to always be well versed with the on goings.
E  - Expect to Succeed-we are always optimistic.                                          

S   - Sacrifice-by giving our very best to ensure the success of AIESEC.
E    -Enabling Environment-equipping the youth with relevant skills and attitudes to enable them survive in the ever competitive world.
L    -Learn from our mistakes-that which can’t kill us only makes us stronger!                      
F    -Follow Through-we work on our projects to their completion.

D    -Discipline-Promoting  discipline amongst the members.
R     -Re-fire-always take a break to re-energize (Roll calls)
I      -Insist and Improve-we view every setback as a stepping stone to greater heights.
V    -Visualize our Success.
E    -Evaluate our goals against  the same standards-to find out whether we are making progress or not.
-          By   Oga  Kidera.

In short, our message is simple….”we endeavor to transform the society as a whole through turning the youth from ‘passengers’ to ‘drivers’ in this journey called life….”(->I bet this can make a nice motto for aiesec egerton…)

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