Thursday, March 24, 2011


W - We
E  - Egerton Local Chapter of AIESEC Kenya.

S  -  Start Small-our journey begins with a single step.
T     -Think Big-by setting realistic goals.
R    -Reach a little Further Everyday.
I     - Invest our time and resources wisely.
V    -Venture to identify and seize all the available opportunities.
E     -Excellence is always our pride.

T    -Trust in God
O  - Organize our Resources.

N  - We Never Give Up.
U  - Unlock our potential.
R   -Results-our results motivate us to greater  heights.
T   -Team Up-together we stand, divided we fall.
U  -Unlock our Potential-by exploring every advantageous niche available to us.
R  - Research-to always be well versed with the on goings.
E  - Expect to Succeed-we are always optimistic.                                          

S   - Sacrifice-by giving our very best to ensure the success of AIESEC.
E    -Enabling Environment-equipping the youth with relevant skills and attitudes to enable them survive in the ever competitive world.
L    -Learn from our mistakes-that which can’t kill us only makes us stronger!                      
F    -Follow Through-we work on our projects to their completion.

D    -Discipline-Promoting  discipline amongst the members.
R     -Re-fire-always take a break to re-energize (Roll calls)
I      -Insist and Improve-we view every setback as a stepping stone to greater heights.
V    -Visualize our Success.
E    -Evaluate our goals against  the same standards-to find out whether we are making progress or not.
-          By   Oga  Kidera.

In short, our message is simple….”we endeavor to transform the society as a whole through turning the youth from ‘passengers’ to ‘drivers’ in this journey called life….”(->I bet this can make a nice motto for aiesec egerton…)


“AIESEC! What is it all about?” this was the question I asked the first time I saw an AIESEC poster stuck on one of the notice boards in campus. Luckily, a friend who also happened to be an AIESECer told me the basics and suggested I attend their meetings I later learnt were referred to as MSSes. A week later I presented myself at the meeting and guess what, the experience was …mhh cool. Three weeks down the line, an announcement was made in the MSS that there will be an NIS (National Induction Service) conference, which is newees stuff, and was to be hosted in Nakuru. Oscar; the LCP, added that it was a nice thing since it would teach me more about AIESEC. With no second thoughts, I decided to attend. I arrived at Cool Rivers where the conference was to take place and to my surprise, the number of delegates present from all the inclusive universities in the country, I was the only one from my LC.                                   
Being a newee and the only delegate sent shivers to my nerves since I felt let down by LC members and was lonely. The people there were all cheerful and seemed to be enjoying themselves, something I thought was absurd at first. A single man I was, and a single man army I convinced myself I would be.                                                              
 Thinking that securing a distant place from ‘them’ would help, I quickly did that. From this isolated table I enjoyed seeing them enjoy and take on each other like friends. ‘Man! AIESEC is a family. It is not all about me and you, but rather us.’  Then I saw this bunch of ladies from UON coming towards my direction and my mind psyched me to be the bold person I have always pretended to be when I am with strangers.  On being asked why I was alone, I told them I was waiting for ‘my colleagues who were on their way.’ Jordan, whom I knew later recruited me in their LC and insisted that I should perform a roll-call with them and because a ‘no position’ could not present itself, I joined them. From that moment I felt the need to belong and involvement. To my surprise everything these guys did, I became part of them and hey…I was in a home away from home in their company. ‘…and the journey begins’ was the conference’s theme. The ‘journey’ began with a bang; from funny roll-calls to serious stuff. A brief AIESEC history was presented then came the other agendas that were to be talked about. Fiona, the president (2009/2011), happened to know everything about AIESEC and jeez…she made me think she was giving her life history. I felt awesomeJ and everyone seemed too from the applause she received after the speech. The team she came with wasn’t an exception either. It comprised of very talented youths who tended to define the tagline, ‘a leadership potential for young people to discover their talents.’ I enjoyed branding so much because it taught me on how a person can brand him/herself or any other thing. I came back loaded with everything except regrets. From the fellow AIESECers I learnt that no man is an island and therefore we all need each other to survive. Back to our LC I was to give a report on the NIS and I felt whoa since it gave this newee a chance to stand before members and do what I thought was the most difficult to do. That day I also learnt that AIESEC doesn’t harbor cowards. Talking of non-cowards I met a team in our LC that is super-awesomeJ. These guys go out of their ways to make this organization a success without complains and grumbling. BIG UPS YOU GUYS FOR THE SUPERB WORK. To all AIESECers in Egerton, let us light other people’s candles especially those with flameless ones. THUMBS UP AND remember to read Philippians 1:6. (Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus ChristJ)

-By Atieno R. Onyango

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

VIP Alert!

    Below are the online platforms that AIESEC EGERTON is currently engaging in. This is part of our communication strategy which is in-line with our efforts to create and keep our communication channels as open as possible. It's only through such channels that information can be disseminated to members easily and like it's said, information is power.
    Now here we go:-
  1. AIESEC Home. (
  2. -You need to sign up to in this website and get approved as a member. Terms and conditions apply.
    -Once you have signed in. Search for 'Egerton university' you will find all the documents we have uploaded.
    -We will upload our databases to this website and set access rights to leaders only especially Comm. n IM portfolio.
  3. Website
  4. - This will be up and running sooner rather than later . -unfortunately this is yet to be sorted out. (Should follow up on this)
  5. Facebook
    1. AIESEC EGERTON - User account.
    2. AIESEC IN EGERTON - Group.
    3. AIESEC EGERTON - Fan Page.
  6. Twitter
  7.   - aieseceger2(this is our user name) i.e. @aieseceger2
  8.    -this is where we speak out our minds regarding progress, our opinions, exchange stories etc.
  9. Yahoo groups.
  11. Picasa
  12. -Contains our photos. i.e. aiesec egerton.
  13. Slide share
  14.  -From now onwards we should be adding links after uploading our slides to this site and then add links to  this slides on our websites.
  15. You tube.
  16.  - From now onward we need to add links to the videos we upload as aiesec egerton. (Check out YouTube groups?)
  17. Other social media platforms we might engage in in the future will be added.
    -By TL, Comm. & IM 2011/2012

More, more and even more progress/developments…..

On a personal level, this is blog marks my first quarter as an AIESECer…..yahooo!!!! As if to mark the coming to age of the first quarter, one of the awesome AIESECers we are honored to have in AIESEC EGERTON left a sweet comment on our blog. By the way the roll call idea went well and everyone was turned on by the dance moves. Our 'choreographer' Bella did a nice job. The list of team leaders for every portfolio is now full(NTC) and to say the last MSS was cool is an understatement. Now we can state boldly that we have something to report home with regards to the website we have been working on. Matter of fact, we will be involved a lot in it's design and since the web designer is an AIESECer, you can only expect a hot website up online in around a weeks. Feel free to note the date today(23-03-2011).

We have also confirmed the price of branding a t-shirt with the AIESEC logo. We realized it made some sense to ask members to come with plain t-shirts and 5o shillings and the we get the t-shirts branded as opposed to buying new t-shirts which have been branded with the  AIESEC logo. Most of the members argue that they have a lot of plain t-shirts at home and they would love to get them branded as opposed to buying new t-shirts. The option of new branded t-shirts has not been written of and maybe we might introduce a rule that all newees should buy a new AIESEC branded t-shirt before they are allowed to join AIESEC. Whether that will materialize is however for the EB to agree; and since I respect the pecking order, mine is to keep you all in the loop.

We have a super E+L project coming up on a national level. The idea is about entrepreneurship plus leadership. Youth who are between 19 and 24 years old(youth comprise of around 70% of Kenya's total population)will get an opportunity to participate in a mentorship walk alongside mentors who have done it and who are ready to share their experiences with these young people who have the potential to start brands which can make Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to go gaga!

While going through the documentations for the E+L project, it got me to wonder along the perspective of Entrepreneurs versus Leaders. It occurred to me that taking a leadership role is just the beginning of a long road/journey. To be a successful entrepreneur one not only needs to lead(being a leader) but you will have to be a manager, a sales person, an innovator and a lot more wrapped together with a ribbon on it. Like my friend Marvin who founded a social media company from scratch likes to say; "on the initial stages as an entrepreneur you have to eat, sleep and breath the enterprise you are starting up before the enterprise gets a life of it's own…."
Come to think of it, this is not bad at all because as soon as your enterprise breaks even and becomes sustainable you will get real and true freedom. This kind of freedom is the one very few people get to enjoy. The freedom that allows you to wake up at 4:00 in the morning not because you have to/are compelled to; but because want to.(Others like me prefer to sleep at 2.00 a.m and wake up at 9.00 a.m)

Another project which is in it's middle stages so to speak is the ASK project. Generally the ASK project is about HIV & AIDS sensitization and awareness to   high school students and other teenagers in the society as a whole who have a bright future before them. But this bright future is under threat of being cut short or being turned into another direction if the youngsters make a single wrong decision. Nowadays with the introduction of ARV's people nowadays can rest assured that testing positive is not a death sentence. However this has in my opinion contributed to less sensitization about the scourge which HIV is. There is therefore a reason to revamp the sensitization campaign in schools as this is where the future members of the society are.

Maybe to conclude this piece, let me share with you all out there who might be reading this article and wondering 'should I or should I not invest my time in AIESEC?' well I read a tweet from @aiesec_moi; this is their advice…."AIESEC if for everyone but not everyone is right for AIESEC…"

On the national platform the IC is still on, and as AIESECers, we can take part in the sessions which are open to everyone like the 'global village days'. We intend to come up with a comprehensive calendar with AIESEC Kenya and Africa events which take place every year. This in our view will be in line with enabling our members to prepare before hand and be able to attend the events. A short notice is what has been blamed in the past for failure to attend the conferences. After noting down the events scheduled to take place this year, we intend to upload it online probably in Google calendars so that those willing and serious members can be able to check out the events and plan well.

Good news for the newees, the TL OGX managed to hand over a list of most if not all AIESEC acronyms which we use in our MSS's and which appear hard to understand at first. We will publish it so that you all can have access to this list and get incorporated ASAP.

In conclusion, the above updates are not exhaustive. Other super endeavors' like the Gentle Feet Walk have not been mentioned and the Switch project that we are thinking of unfolding in our LC. So don't make the assumption that the above is all/everything that our LC is doing.

Let's hook up later. Thanking you for taking time to read through the piece all in the spirit of being of an AIESECer.

-By TL, Comm. & IM 2011/2012