Friday, March 2, 2012

Word from LCP 2009....Anderson Rioba...

woooooow ..... am soo humbled .. I really appreciate the mention.i didnt have much to say .. for real ..

AIESEC will always be my best passion and my motivating factor to build a legacy of improving and changing the world.It offers the best platform to nurture leadership and I am really inspired by what the AIESEC Egerton alumni have been able to do and the innovations and leadership they currently drive in several places in the world.I really look up to them because they inspire me each and everyday to be a better person in life.I think am still young to be an Egerton Alumni .. (thats a really great title )...but hopefully budding to be one .I thank all alumni's for the great support they have always shown to the local committee and I encourage them to continually do so because its the best way to inspire, mentor and bring out future great leaders from AIESEC Egerton

For the members , continually live AIESEC:explore and develop your potential and know there is a great future ahead of you.You are in the best organization in the world..its much more worth being an AIESECER.. rather than just being a student only.. ... and enjoy all the moments and the leadership you have in AIESEC.They will really help you in the future once you graduate....There will always be a difference betwen a normal university student and an AIESEC Student.. its the best value addition to your life and be always proud of that ...!!!!Gwaragwara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A word from Jaqi LCP 2003-2004 to the LC....

Dear LC Eger,

This is just a quick note of appreciation for your recognition during the Alumni Reconnect; though I was not there, I was definitely with you guys in spirit.  A pat on the back is always welcome and I am grateful.  I hope that each of you will have a long, fruitful and satisfying journey in AIESEC before you join us on the Alumni side of the Association. Please stay the course and keep encouraging each other  - AIESEC is truly one of the greatest things that will ever happen in your life!

Thanks again!

