Thursday, December 22, 2011


What brought you to AIESEC,
The largest students run organization,
What brought you to the platform,
That activates leadership in the youth
What brought you to the worldwide organization?

Are you an AIESECer by mouth alone
Do you know the meaning of AIESEC;
Do you comprehend ASK, YES,and NIS;
OC, LC, LCP, LCVP and project SWITCH;
Are you conversant with AIESEC acronyms?

Do you share AIESEC values;
Or you didn’t know they exist;
Has leadership been activated in you;
Do you demonstrate integrity;
So do you enjoy participation by taking part?

I wonder what brought you to this platform;
For you seldom attend the MSS;
And you have no AIESEC responsibility;
Did you attend the last conference and enjoyed yourself;
Are you going with me on an OGX mission?

When do you think of AIESEC;
Have you visited this week;
When did you log on to AIESEC’s blog;
Have you liked our facebook page?

Does AIESEC entertain you when you are down;
How many roll calls can you dance to;
Are you aware of the talents in AIESEC;
The poets, the comedians and the dancers;
Tell us, what brought you to AIESEC?

by the kisumuboyT.L  comm. and 

Monday, December 19, 2011


Even as you are completing your exams and closing the campus this week,I want to commission you even as Jesus Christ commissioned his disciples when he was about to leave them: I send you as sheep among wolves, Go ye into all the world and preach the good news,he who believes and is baptized will be saved....

Now in the same way I commission you- all AIESECers-I send you as ambassadors of AIESEC among citizens go ye into all the world and spread the AIESEC news to all persons regardless of their age, gender institution of higher learning, political affiliation,social,financial or health status etcetra.This because :
[i]  AIESEC do not discriminate on the basis of the above mentioned factors or any other that haven't been mentioned above.
[ii]As the Messiah puts it, freely did you receive And so freely give

It is common knowledge that a society without new borns will sooner or later die out as the older generation dies out.As such every AIESECcer have a moral obligation to give birth and to reproduce and fill AIESEC just as the LORD GOD  commanded Adam and Eve in the proverbial garden of Eden.

I don't wish to bore you with long stories my main purpose for writing here was to wish all AIESECers and their family, friends and enemies, and all people a safe journey back home,merry Christmas and a happy new year.

The kisumuboy: TL comm & IM.