It was an 8hour journey by road to Kampala Uganda from Nakuru Kenya; I arrived at the wee hours of a chilly Monday morning at the capital city of Uganda, and was directed to the waiting room of the bus company. Being my first time in a foreign country I had to wait until the exchange bureaus’ were opened so as to change the Kenyan currency (KSH) to Uganda currency (UGX). I rang the MC VP Exchange Fatuma who directed me to the taxi stage where I took a taxi (matatu in Kenya) to Banda stage where I was picked up by LCP AIESEC Kyambogo, Tom Kalysebula who took me to the LC house and there I was received warmly by a few Aiesecers who were at the house as others had retreated to their respective workstations. I was taken around the rooms and was quickly drawn to the walls to see charts and posters of their LC AIESEC programs for the semester, we had a lengthy chat about our different projects in our respective LCs and various issues relating to management systems in our countries by one guy called Mugabe Bright.

My workstation was at Kennedy Preparatory school at a place called Buziga in the outskirts of Kampala city. Here I met young kids from different nations i.e. Somali, southern Sudan Congo and Ugandans my task at these learning organization was basically teaching English, mathematics and sciences as well as to provide a unique platform for the children to interactively understand social and cultural diversity and also improve the pupils interactive skills and English speaking culture given the pupils were from different nationalities. During my exchange I was able to understand the difference in education systems between Uganda and Kenya and also learnt a little Luganda and Arabic language thanks to the small kids. I was particularly impressed and inspired by a 9 year old boy Muktaar Ibrahim a p2 pupil (class 2 in Kenya) he hardly knew any English word before arriving in Uganda in March 2011. He only knew his native Somali language and Arabic but in September 2011 after the first time I met him, the young boy was both fluent in written and spoken English, that showed me the power of a young developing mind that when nurtured it will grow to be the future leaders of AIESEC and the world at large. During my stay I interacted and networked with AIESECers from many parts of the world and to mention but a few of the foreign interns I met :- Meshack Kayila from Tanzania, Andeas Mathes from Germany, Ahmed from Egypt, Akiko Yokuta from Japan Ruhi Mamuji from Canada and the Ugandans. Am glad to be a team member of a project to set up the Biashara Bus campaign project. The second phase is scheduled to kick off in April 2012 I’m looking forward to these great opportunity where by the objective is to impact vital knowledge and skills to youths through a series of business seminars in learning institutions around Uganda organized by Kabanda Collins project director Aiesec Kyambogo. 
Finally, I cant forget the warm Kampala climate and a weekend at Port Bell Ferry Whaff a port in Lake Victoria, I also had a great time at the Lugogo international trade fair in Nakawa division where local and international participants showcased their products and services. Also the traditional food including Chapati, Cassava, Irish potato, Peanuts served with rice stew. The fun we had during Aiesec nights every Thursday night at Mateo’s where the best of East Africa and international songs were played. My utmost appreciation goes to my host AIESEC KYAMBOGO, staff and community of Kennedy school. I really enjoyed my exchange experience and am full of good memories and eagerly awaiting my next visit again…………….zuuuuuuuup.