Yesterday we were all at Egerton university, Kilimo complex where we had a powerful training on leadership from the perspective of cooperatives. The training was dubbed 'I'm a cooperator' and was a joint initiative by CIC Insurance and Edge Consult. This was a training with a difference. We learnt that one of the strongest route to financial sustainability is through joining the cooperative movement.

Personally my point of highlight was when AIESEC EGERTON got an opportunity to show the audience a short video. I mean leadership and AIESEC go hand in hand. And when talking about training university students about leadership, there is no better platform to work on other than AIESEC. This is because AIESEC is ran in universities and one of our values as AIESEC is 'activating leadership'. As an employer, you would be very delighted to employ a person who has had previous experience in leadership through AIESEC. Such an employee won't need much of your organizations time and resources doing on the job training.
AIESEC Team Leader
Watching a team of young facilitators from Edge consult managing this project excellently from start to finish was also a nice experience. And their project manager was also young and the kind of coordination her team exuded was worthwhile. I know most people didn't take too much note of this fact but I did because this is the kind of leadership we desperately need in Africa. The kind of leadership that is excellent regardless of whether the leader is a youth or an elderly person. This is one of the situations where a youth team made the youth proud.
The other huge lesson learnt from the training was in the form of demystifying the whole idea of cooperatives. Like someone in the audience commented, the training made us see cooperatives as what they are, not what we have been made to perceive them to be by some few bad examples out there. These training was one of those trainings that ensures you leave as a more enlightened person if not different than the way you came.
-By S.K.
(VP Comm & IM)